Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The RSA-dventure Continues

Been having a wonderful, mind-crunching time here at RSA. Notes forthcoming, surely, someday. Just one thought:

Intent and effect are both very amorophous bookends of the text. Can we ever detirmine them? Or even connect them to the text? How do you judge a work?

Monday, June 22, 2009

RSAdventure: Only Four Hours In!

Hey guys, I'm just reporting from the RSA Institute here in Penn State and already it's been exciting and adventurous! Here's some highlight from the last couple of hours:

Best Visual Reminder That This is Not a Conference:
Mike Leff--in shorts. And white tennis shoes. Leff is a super-nice guy...I've really enjoyed his remarks this morning.

Best Rhetorical Gossip:
A little bird tells me that Stephen Mailoux will be leaving UC -Irving and headed back to his alma mater. Oooh..!

Best Quote:
"It's good to feel self-conscious. Feeling self-conscious is the first step towards actualization." --Michael Leff

Best Last-minute Riff on Intentionality:
We spent our last twenty minutes of the session discussing intentionality in textual criticism and everyone was cheerily declaring:
1-intentionality doesn't matter
2-even if it did matter, the text creates intentionality
3-how do you even define intentionality? I mean, does even the rhetor know what he intends?
4- and what counts as evidence of intentionality? That assumption's going to change
5-Intent is sort of the equivilent of effect: you can't really include it, but you know it's there.

Very fun stuff! I'll post more in the future, but our first session on the history of rhetorical criticism and textual criticism/ "close reading" left me with tons of notes and much enlightenment and it's only the start! I'll continue to share with you guys all the delightful events of the Institute as it goes--there's plenty to share!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Instead of a Meeting . . .

Last week when we returned from CCCC, we tried to get together to share ideas from the conference. But, sadly, we were all pretty busy getting caught up on all the work we missed while we were gone.

Someone suggested a blog as a way to share ideas with each other. Gary had the idea that the blog could be available for any comp/rhet discussion.

So Mary has kindly set us up with this blog. Now we can chat in spare moments--instead of having a meeting!

Happy rhet/comp blogging!